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Start-ups driving the wave of change in Healthcare Industry

Time is money! People do not have adequate time to follow a healthy diet, exercise schedule, post–operative conditioning, following doctor’s appointment etc. as everyone is busy rushing for their work, neglecting their health in the process. So here is the ultimate gap that needs to be addressed and this opportunity has been well taken care of by startups in the healthcare Industry. Let’s take a look at where are the gaps are and exactly how the different and yet successful startups Read more [...]

Is International Shipping likely to bring along any Significant Change in the Indian E-commerce Scenario?

Eager to test the waters in India’s burgeoning e-commerce industry, some of the largest US based retailers – JC Penney and Macy’s are placing stakes on selling their products through e-commerce portals in India. In fact, eight US departmental stores have commenced shipping to India and are now accepting payment in rupees. Further, their strong intent to explore the Indian online marketplace is evident through their promotional strategies such as ‘Exclusive India’ pages on their official Read more [...]

Way to go… BYOD!

If you are running an IT company or if you are an employee of an IT-based firm, BYOD (short for Bring your own device) would not be a new term for you to hear about. BYOD happened to be the most debated topic in the recent years, especially in the IT industry. There have been a lot of discussions on the implementation of BYOD in the IT industry in India. Deciding on the usage of BYOD is considered to be one of the crucial decisions made by the top management so as to enable the company move up the Read more [...]

Cyber Knife-Leveraging the market through Blue Ocean strategies in Medical Device Industry

Cyber Knife – the name itself conjures images of scalpels, surgeries, or a knife that can launch a virtual attack; the name itself is tricky and innovative. Well! Cyber knife is a medical device that is used for treating malignant tumors via non-invasive procedures. It provides a pain-free, non-surgical option for patients who have inoperable or surgically complex tumors. In fact, the Cyber Knife System is the world’s first and only robotic radiosurgery system designed to treat tumors throughout Read more [...]

The Evolution of Analytics in Health Care

Currently, analytics has evolved as an inevitable department in each and every organization. It was in the last 10 years that technology has been revolutionized and we now produce about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. This is more data than that was collected in two years, previously. All these changes have major implications for organizations today. In organizations, analytics enables professionals to convert extensive data, statistical and quantitative analysis into powerful insights that Read more [...]

The Role Played by Social Media in Sustaining E-commerce

The Social media is revolutionizing the e-commerce business ever since its integration with online marketing and shopping portals. A few years back, applications such as product reviews, recommendations and ratings reigned as the most popular social media tools way before the term social media was actually coined. They not only enabled customers to find out what their peers were thinking but they also provided valuable user data and feedback to the retailer which could be reviewed in real-time. Retailers Read more [...]

India’s Startup Scenario – 2015

The trend of start-ups is really picking up in India and the scene is only expected to get much more competitive in the upcoming years owing to the large influx of online companies all over the country. According to a report by Nasscom, India will be a hub for 11,500 tech startups by 2020. In fact, the collaborative research effort by NASSCOM and Zinnov suggests that Indian startups, with their unique solutions, are witnessing increased traction in global whitespace opportunities such as Internet Read more [...]

Minimization of Risks in Cloud Computing: What are the Possible solutions?

Cloud computing has become a boon in terms of solutions for storage problems at the enterprise level. The integration of cloud computing platforms has helped businesses to reduce costs and increase speed & effectiveness thus bringing in increased revenues to not only the Information Technology sector but other industries as well. But does this imply that cloud computing is robust and risk free? Though the benefits of cloud computing are beyond doubt, investment on any technology calls for a strong. Read more [...]

Impact of Quality on Projects – Tips for Project Managers to Improve Quality in Products and Services.

In today’s fast paced world, there is a need for quick delivery of products to the market. A product, say it is a consumable or an enterprise ERP software, needs to be made available to the customer (or clients) in its correct working standards, depicted performance level, and within a short time frame. There is a need of urgency in delivering products to the customers in any industry. This criterion affects the process flow that the product needs to undergo through its designing and production Read more [...]

The Era of Big Data Analytics & Cloud Computing Began. How Big Data and Cloud Influence the Business Process in the Coming Years?

Information Technology has drastically changed the way industries work and handle their problems. Data has become one crucial component that decides the growth of many companies, even for the top most company in the world like Wal-Mart. “Useful” information is hidden behind every piece of data and the organizations expertise to extract the same makes the difference if they get an edge over competitors or stand in the long queue far behind. Data has transformed from the state of a storage Read more [...]