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Tableau: the benefits it can bring to your business

The Tableau software has been designed by an American software company also named Tableau. This software is largely used for data visualization and graphical representation in the field of business intelligence & market research. Though Tableau handles the development and marketing rights of the Tableau software, the software was originally developed as a research project of the computer science department of the Stanford University. The software was first developed during 1999 to 2002 by Prof Read more [...]

Self-Monitoring Through Smart Clothing: The Next Big Trend in the Sports and Fitness Industry

Post Smart Watches and Smart Glasses, Smart Clothing is emerging as the next big thing that fitness freaks are hooked onto. Until recently, interactive clothing or Smart Clothing as a product was struggling to enter the mass market. This is because it was considered as a bulky electronic device without much of value addition. However on account of the recent technological innovations such as improved conductive fibers, miniaturization of sensors and advancements in Nanotechnology, Smart Clothing Read more [...]

Unraveling the Hype Around Smart Cities : What Needs to be Done Before We Can Actually Become Smart Residents?

Originally a premise of the developed economies, Smart cities have generated a lot of buzz in the country even since the Prime minister outlined his vision of creating 100 smart cities by 2022. In tune with this announcement, a Union Budget allocation of Rs 7060 crores was made for developing 100 Smart cities by 2022. Smart cities with its numerous advantages surely look promising. However, the process of gathering the necessary resources to bring the “Smart India” dream to fruition will encounter Read more [...]

Smart Watches can Deliver on their Potential- A Hype or Truth

It all started in 2003 when Microsoft decided to bring internet to the wrist watch using its Smart Personal Objects Technology by partnering with watchmakers such as Citizen, Fossil and Suunto. The wrist watch provided weather, traffic and stock information. However, the product did not work and Microsoft had to stall its plans of launching Smart watches. The hype around the smart watch, a device that interacts with the wearer’s smartphone to display text messages or emails, started Read more [...]

Recent Trends in Digital Media that are Changing the Dynamics of Marketing:

 The past few years have witnessed drastic changes in the technologies adopted by marketers seeking to enhance the visibility and brand perception of their products. With most of the competing brands adopting similar digital marketing techniques, the real challenge is to identify a unique strategy that creates a distinguished brand proposition for the product. Thus marketers are constantly finding some innovative ways through online marketing tools to engage their customers. In the present day, Read more [...]

The Fate of Smart Watches in the Healthcare Oriented Wearable Technology Space

Smart watches are the latest buzz in the wearable technology space.  Recent launches and rumors have done well in  highlighting the potential of smart watch technology.  The future of the smart watch will no more remain limited to the transfer of apps from smartphones to the wrist.  The utility of the smart watch will extend to solving problems and delivering benefits in a simple and convenient way. Capitalizing on the high potential markets for smarter healthcare devices and the potential Read more [...]

R Programming: The Underdog or The Leader in the Statistical World?

Big Data, Statistical Analysis, etc. are some of the booming industries today.  Experts say that if 90’s were the era of computer science then similarly next decade will be of analytics.  It’s completely upcoming industry with lot of hopes, aspiration and solutions.  Nowadays, companies from each and every sectors are giving importance and also motivation to drive their employees towards data analysis.  Obviously, analysis of huge data, whether it is of sales or profit of different products, Read more [...]

How to Prepare a Balance Sheet for Business Plan

Before getting started, it is important to understand the purpose of creating financial statements. The primary objective of any financial statement is to communicate and provide an overview of the current state of a business. The most commonly prepared financial statements for a small business are balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements. A balance sheet is a summary of what the business owns (assets) and owes (liabilities). It paints a reliable picture of the financial health Read more [...]

Electric Car Solutions, Strategies and Its Future

Today electric cars make up a very small part of the overall car market. While the size of the global car market is around 85 million cars a year, the electric cars make up much less than 1%. What are the reasons for the low market share and why the electric cars are not picking up momentum? We examine the issues and possible solutions for this market. Hurdles faced by the electric cars Most of the time, the issues surrounding the electric car market seem to be revolving around the customer’s Read more [...]

Smart Phone Market: Demise of Windows Phone or Resurgence of Nokia ??

From the very beginning of the computer era, the Windows platform has been enjoying almost a monopolized presence in the PC landscape. But when it comes to the mobile arena, Microsoft is nothing but a small fish in a large ocean largely dominated by Android and to a lesser extent by iOS. Ever since the disintegration of Blackberry, Microsoft is the only viable third alternative. The Windows phone is pretty much out there for those who seek an alternative to Android & iOS. The global market share Read more [...]