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Top 10 Retail Chains in India; Success Stories of Organized Retailing and Stories of Organised Retail Failure in India

The retail sector of Indian economy is categorized into two segments such as organized retail sector and unorganized retail sector. The latter holds larger share of the retail market. The key drives of the growth in retail consumption in India are basically i) Clothes, Textile & Fashion Accessories ii) Food, Grocery & General Merchandise The top 10 companies which have the most shares in organized retail market of India are Name of holding company Prime Banners  Pantaloon Retail Pantaloons Central Brand Read more [...]

How to Enter Bills in QuickBooks 2012? Review on QuikcBooks Electronics Payment System – Bill Entry

QuickBooks is a business accounting software used to record credit and cash transactions in business accounting. Any expense incurring through a credit card is entered as banking/credit card expenses and cash transactions are recorded in the form of Bill. For reference purpose, we need to maintain the record of invoices and the client details. Let us take a closer look at how Bills are entered in this particular software. The bill entry process is easy, convenient and simple. The user has to first Read more [...]

Reasons behind Indian Rupee Depreciation against US Dollar – The Indian Rupee Currency Conversion

One of the most visible signs of a strong economy is a stable currency. Indian Rupee has been stable for most of the 2000s which gave an impression that all is well with the fast growing economy. However, it has depreciated significantly against the US Dollar in 2011. Very few financial experts have predicted this kind of a downfall for the Indian Rupee. It has lost more than 20% of its value in 2011. Rupee is trading close to Rs 54 to a US Dollar now. Indian Rupee is now one of the worst performing Read more [...]

FDI Investment in Indian Retail Inudstry. Do we need Multi-Brand Retail in India?

It’s been a long wait for global retail giants like Wal-Mart, Tesco, Carrefour and others to set up shop in India. As the winter session started on 22nd November, the ruling party of India decided to lift the ban on big-box retailers’ investment in multi brand FDI. Soon the topic raised the political storm in the Parliament with several other issues like including price rise, separate Telangana and safety of Mullaperiyar dam and more. Market Views The BJP announced that it would not allow foreign Read more [...]

What all Web Analytics Tools in the Market ?

Web Analytics is the process of analyzing, collecting, measuring, and reporting of online data which helps in monitoring and optimizing websites. It can be used as a tool for business and market research. Web analytics provides information about the traffic for a particular website and the number of page views. Web Analytics consists of offsite and onsite. The process s of web analytics has been depicted as below; The list of Web Analytics software is categorized into 1. Open Source : Analog, Piwik, Read more [...]

Ten Years after 9/11 Terrorist Attack on Twin Towers? Did 9-11 influence economy / job / business?

On 9/11/2011 we will mark 10 years since the terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. Do you remember the moment you were informed about that incident? What all panicky thoughts had come to your mind? Which all TV channels you browsed through? Of course, there was no Facebook or Twitter to collaborate instantly. The destruction of physical assets was estimated in the national accounts to amount to $14 billion for private businesses, $1.5 billion for State and local government Read more [...]

What is Lokpal? Public Opinion on Anna Hazare Jan Lokpal Bill and Lokpal Bill

The concept of Lokpal is borrowed from the office of the ombudsman in other countries which provides for filing complaints of corruption against Prime minister, other ministers and members of parliament with the ombudsman. Main objective of Lokpal is to provide speedy and cheaper justice within a prescribed time lime. The first Lokpal bill was passed in the 4th Lok Sabha in 1969 but did not complete the process and, later Lokpal bills were introduced unsuccessfully in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, Read more [...]

Google AdWords and Tablets -Importance of Tablets targeting in Market Research

Google AdWords has recently begun to allow users to target their AdWords campaigns on Tablets with full browsers. Prior to that, the ads were targeted on Desktop, Laptop and Mobile devices only. It appears that AdWords had previous classified the devices – Apple iPad, the Samsung Galaxy Tab or the Motorola Xoom along with the mobile devices in its search network. That means that prior to this specific targeting, advertiser who did not opt to go for mobile devices had lost that opportunity even Read more [...]