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Components of Solar Rooftop System and Types of Rooftop Solar Power

Solar PV rooftop systems are known for its ease of installation, low maintenance, and longer lifetime. The systems are financially viable with a decent return of 15% according to project reports.  Rooftop Solar PV has huge potential, and the government policies and regulations are already in place to promote large scale deployment.  Rooftop solar comes as grid based and off grid. Rooftop solar falls under Grid-based when the rooftop consumers are connected to the larger grid that is owned by Read more [...]

Global Automakers’ Challenge to Gain India Market – Ford Motor Company and Automobile Market in India

Ford Motor Company, the world's biggest carmaker will cease its operations in India after 25 years of business in the country.  According to the automaker, it would be difficult to return to profitability in India in the near future, since it incurred a $2 billion loss.  Ford India will close its manufacturing in Sanand, Gujarat, by the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2021, and it will close its Chennai facility by the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2022,  After MAN Trucks, General Motors, Harley Davidson, and Read more [...]

What are the Causes of Chip Crisis – How it Can be Mitigated

The chip shortage has caused much disturbance among the industries since they struggle to meet the increasing demand of electronic products and components.  As of now, the companies are adjusting in their own ways, and most do not expect a resolution any time soon. The chip scarcity as an industry-wide issue that may not be addressed until at least next year, if not 2023, according to market research data.  Chip demand is very strong, and there is no reason to anticipate a sudden oversupply Read more [...]

Lessons to Learn from SRI LANKA Economic Crisis – Causes and Remedial Action

The recent drop in the Sri Lanka economy is an interesting topic to analyse. The country has faced huge forex reserves are depleting, resulting in currency depreciation, inflation, and a supply crunch.  Due to the supply shortages, people are waiting outside shops to stock up on essential goods.  The unexpected surge in demand and panic purchasing has resulted in rising prices.  This prompted the Sri Lankan government to declare an emergency, which allowed authorities to confiscate goods and determine Read more [...]

National Monetization Pipeline – Advantages and Disadvantages of NMP – Privatization and Public Services in India

The Monetization of Assets is not a sudden thought but was well planned in the Union Budget 2021-22. The framework for core asset monetization includes three main imperatives: Monetization of rights rather than ownership, brownfield de-risked assets and stable revenue streams, and structured partnerships within specified contractual frameworks with specific KPIs and performance criteria. With privatization, we are accepting that the government is fantastic at creating things but terrible at running Read more [...]

Recent Chip Crisis and Its Impact in Major Industries – Importance of Chips in Industries

Semiconductor chips widely now as the new oil or gold are made of silicon, which is a strong electrical conductor.  These chips are incorporated into microcircuits, which power wide range of contemporary electronic products and components.  These semiconductor materials are used in all active components, integrated circuits, microchips, transistors, and electronic sensors.  With technological advancements in many industries, semiconductors are literally the "heart" of billions of goods ranging Read more [...]

National Monetisation Pipeline and Privatisation of Public Assets and Brownfield Projects– What is Brownfield and Greenfield Projects

"National Monetisation Pipeline" (MNP) project is a new term coined recently.  For general public, it is a new term much after the word “Demonetization” which had generated much flutter in the society those time. Let’s hope that the word “Monetisation” as the name sounds does not freeze currency or asset but let will release the potential of idle resources. The "National Monetisation Pipeline" is supposed to bring 6 trillion INR to economy.  The government's goal is to unlock value Read more [...]

How to Stop ‘Cell Phone Spying’, Impact of Multiple Apps and Phone Security

Pegasus, of late known as government spyware, has created a stir in the minds of people all around the globe.  The company has accepted that they sold the software to 40 countries or governments. Even if your country is not a subscriber still there are chances that the enemy nations may use it against you since the mobile phones are part of a wider network.  Once such software falls in the hands of wrong people, they can use it against one and all, at free will, without following any laid down Read more [...]

Company Profile and Promoters of PEGASUS or N.S.O. GROUP TECHNOLOGIES LTD – Estimated Revenue, and Worth of NSO Group Technologies Ltd

The name Pegasus has brought a lot of curiosity among the public, of late.  Here is an outline of the company, as found in media, to explain what the company stands for, and an indication about the purpose of developing and promoting the software Pegasus. Pegasus is a software product or its brand name. Pegasus is a cyber intelligence software that remotely and secretly extracts and monitors data from any mobile device.  This software was developed by a private Israeli company known as NSO Group Read more [...]

Unicorn and Fintech in the Startup World – Global Spread of Unicorns in 2020

The word ‘Unicorn’ is a word coined with those successful start-ups. The “unicorn” was primarily a concept among U.S. companies in the beginning. In summary, Unicorn is for describing a start-up with a valuation of over $1 billion. The unicorn was first coined by venture capitalist Aileen Lee in 2013.  Today, it spans across the globe identifying new unicorns rising through the ranks each year in different geographies.  Globally, the last two decades have witnessed the start-up boom, and Read more [...]