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Category Archives: Market Research

CRM and ERP – Global Market and Latest Trend – How Will the Collaboration of these Two Technologies Impact the Market?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software has been designed to make organizational processes more effective and efficient. It allows organization to efficiently manage all key functions related to accounting, warehouse, inventory, and supply chain. On the other hand, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software supports the customer-part of the business. CRM manages information about clients and captures all relevant details as well. This allows organization to build better relationships with Read more [...]

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – An Upcoming Trade Agreement –Impact of TTIP on World’s Trade Scenario

Globally, bilateral and regional trade agreements, such as FTAs (Free Trade Areas), have become the primary drivers toward global economic integration since the early 2000s.  Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is similar to that notion.  It is a proposed trade agreement between the EU (European Union) and the USA (United States of America).  The agreement is aimed at establishing the biggest free trade zone in the world spanning over the North Atlantic region.  What differentiates Read more [...]

Blockchain Technology – Banking of the Future Generation – How is it Beneficial over Traditional Banking?

Blockchain Technology, most commonly known to the masses as the central theme behind Bitcoin, is based on distributed ledger methodology.  This innovative and sophisticated technology supports cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, and utilizes the principles of cryptography, game theory, and P2P networking, to function. Blockchain, even though still in its nascent stage, has become one of the hottest topic around the world.  Google searches related to “Blockchain” market intelligence shows Read more [...]

Overview of the Beverage Industry – What are the Major Composites of the Sector?

The beverage industry consists of two major categories and eight sub-groups. The non-alcoholic category is comprised of soft drink syrup manufacture; soft drink and water bottling and canning; fruit juices bottling, canning and boxing; the coffee industry and the tea industry. Alcoholic beverage categories include distilled spirits, wine and brewing. Evolution of the industry Although many of these beverages, including beer, wine, tea, and coffee have been around for thousands of years, Read more [...]

Impact of Britain’s Exit or ‘Brexit’ From the European Union – What It Means for the World Economy

Britain’s vote to quit the European Union (EU) after four decades as its member has been hailed as a historic decision in a few quarters.  However, the decision has multiple implications on the world economy as well.  The impact on Britain’s economy, the EU, and on the rest of the world is manifold and is cumbersome to determine.  In accordance to this, the term “Brexit” has emerged, which is an amalgam of two words “Britain” and “Exit”. What is European Union? The European Read more [...]

Venture Capital Activities in the First Quarter of FY16 – How did Venture Capital Market Shape up in Different Regions of the World?

In the first quarter of 2016, the reported size of the deals stood at US$25.5 billion with investment across 1,829 deals. Macro-economic concerns across large markets, rising skepticism regarding the actual growth potential of the highly valued start-ups, and uncertainty regarding the public offering remained the major drivers of the reported decline in the venture capital activities around the world. The decline was primarily led by lower seed funding across the world. Some of the major developments Read more [...]

Cannibalization of Personal Computers – The World is Witnessing a Major Paradigm Shift in the Personal Computing Segment

Cannibalization is a natural phenomenon related to the advancement of technology in a particular segment, market, or industry.  It refers to the shifting sales from one product and in favor of another “newer” product from the same producer.  The continuous decline in sales of the traditional PCs and the continuous increase in the sales of latest touch devices, including tablets and smartphones is the newest trend that has been witnessed in the last few years, is referred as the “Cannibalization Read more [...]

Disruptive Innovation –How will Disruptive Innovation Shape the Future of Market? – New Technology Innovations that will Disrupt the Existing Market

A lot of new companies, and a few existing players in the market have contributed toward disruptive innovation in the recent past.  Companies such as Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb have changed their business models or modified their competitor’s business models to establish new market for themselves.  Some of the transformation that resulted in market disruption due to change in business models is shown in the figure below: With all the above transformations, disruptive innovation has Read more [...]

Global Venture Capital Investments Touching New Heights in 2015 with $128.5 B Worth VC Backed-up Ventures – Trends and Major Industry Ventures

Venture Capitals are showing great interest to invest on startups and established businesses around the globe.  Worldwide, venture capitals had invested US$128.5 billion in 2015. The figure comparison of venture investments for the years 2014 and 2015 clearly shows that the investment scenario is booming.  We can see that there was 44% increase in the investments made from VCs, and VCs have raised US$89 billion in 2014, which was further increased to US$128 billion in 2015.  The annual Read more [...]

The New Era of Disruptive Innovation – Impacts of Disruptive Innovation and the Ways of Disrupting the Market

Disruptive innovation, or the Darwin Theory of technology and business models, has changed the way of living in the past two decades.  Disruptive Innovation, as the name suggests, is an innovation of technology or a business model, which disrupts the market of the existing technology to evolve to a new one.  This term came into existence in 1997, when a Harvard professor and a well-known businessman, Clayton Christensen, penned it in his book, The Innovator’s Dilemma.  Since then, it has been Read more [...]