Technological changes bring tremendous impact in the society as well as the lives of common people. An interesting fact about the digital technology is that the more advanced the technology becomes, the more control it exerts on our daily lives.
In general, people are ready to embrace any new technology, explore its benefits while ignoring other downfalls of such technological changes. According to Lee Siegel, New York City writer and cultural critic, “we shop, work, play, love, search for information, seek to communicate with each other and sometimes with the world online. We spend more time online than ever before. Yet people are not arguing about this startling new condition”.
Business has greatly benefited by the improvement in communication and digital media. VoIP replaced ordinary phone, email replaced the post, conference call/video substituted the need for frequent gatherings, and more.
The small pockets of market have been opened up for access to bigger and wider world markets due to change in communication technology and wide scale digital marketing of products and servics. This resulted in better services, enhanced competition, wider network for merchandise/products, and so forth.
The revolution in communication technology brought new dimension to the space of data administration and data management. It resulted in availability of more publicly available information and brought greater awareness about products/services.
The booming global ecommerce and movement of products/services across the continent is a resultant product.
The easy access and availability of information, enhanced control over processes, better management of resources, increased return on investment, and so on. The development of ERP packages improved the productivity in multiple sectors.
The companies and governments have opened up information to public at the click of a mouse. Many of the government services were made accessible through the technology and citizens were empowered with faster access to government facilities.
The best impact of innovation on people is the gigantic increment in access to data and the acceptance of instant messaging which changed the way in which communicate. The innovation in data access brought doors for knowledge and recreation.

The capacity to telecommute was an interesting innovation and services were extended to miles away by enabling technology. It brought more virtual offices and jobs in the ICT related industry. The distance learning and on-line tutorials became very popular with new mode of learning and job opportunities. Many of the routine tasks were shifted to online channels including seeking school/college admission, searching jobs, finding life partner, buying home, applying bank loan, hiring car, booking tickets and more.
Another big effect of technology is that it gives access to new tools that did not previously exist. A lot of these are tied into seek access to information as mentioned above, but there are many examples of stand-alone technology systems as well.
One of the biggest antagonistic impacts of the communication innovation was the change in job role and job availability. Job option moved to destination where there exists a cost arbitrage. Technology took over many manual operations and converted such job to technology related operations.
While it created new set of tech jobs, on the other side many jobs were eliminated. Financial institutions and Government shed out jobs on a large scale in the recent past.
Even though there was an increase in virtual networking among people, the social interaction has come down. Generally, people need social interaction but the modern technology has reduced direct interaction and turned it as virtual interaction. The lack of opportunity to meet individuals may make people feel confined and miserable over a period of time. The people started expressing high level of emotions in virtual media but may fail to exhibit the same in person over a period of time.
Another negative impact of innovation will be the reduced need for of physical movement in jobs, or daily lives. Click of mouse to meet many of the routine requirements ultimately reduced the need to move around. This may prompt wellbeing issues as well.
The common person glued before mobile screen with multiple entertainment channels in his/her past time in vogue of late. This has permeated into all strata of society.
Even we may have to afraid that people are resisting to passing over verbal communication skills to next generation with the increased addiction before the micro screens. This may result in creating a generation who may end up using digital devices to communicate rather than the God given media.
There is an increased cost due to buy and to keep up the equipment associated with the technological developments. The innovation framework typically obliges digital media advisors to run it and there is additionally cost of keep abreast of such knowledge of this evolving innovation.
These additional expenses ought to be counterbalanced by the beneficial outcomes of utilizing such innovating products. The frequent changes in the cell phones and its features are an example of such frequent costs associated with the innovation.