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Growing Medial Tourism India and Countries Benefited by Medical Tourism

Growing Medial Tourism India and Countries Benefited by Medical Tourism

India was ranked at 112 out of 190 countries by World Health Organization’s 2000 report, so the main reason behind the medical tourism – some key strengths and weaknesses of India’s health care? How India transformed itself to achieve its future Healthcare vision?

Patients who travel abroad for medical treatment do so for a variety of reasons, one of the biggest reasons is healthcare.  Private hospitals in India are seeing an influx of patients from Bangladesh and the Gulf.  A recent of Export Health Services by the Directorate-General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics of India mentions that 465,000 international patients from different countries seeks treatment in India in 2016 and only one third comes under medical visa.   Medical technology associated with sound business services help the hospitals to secure more customers  Here is a rough data of patients coming under medical visa according to government data.

Top Nations Medical Visas
 Bangladesh 58300
Afghanistan 29492
Iraq 9131
Nigeria 5994
Kenya 3240
Pakistan 1921

Considering the other two third here is an estimate of international patients coming to India for treatment

Top Nations International Patients
 Bangladesh 174,900
Afghanistan 88,476
Iraq 27,393
Nigeria 17,982
Kenya 9,720
Pakistan 5,763
Other Countries 135,766
Total 460,000

Top countries of origin of Medical Tourists are as follows:

Country of Origin Frequency Percentage
Afghanistan 12 9.1%
Australia 2 1.5%
Bangladesh 8 6.1%
Bhutan 2 1.5%
Ethiopia 5 3.8%

