Market News

Importance of Analytics, and Role of Analytics as a Power Booster Pack to Increase Earning in Business Enterprises

A big part of our existence is about making choices, and preferably the best one. Evidence- based decision-making matters more than going by rule of thumb. In order to establish evidence-based decision-making as a deep corporate culture, we need to understand the vast potential of data. Data analytics turn to be one of the trusted business methods in this context. The importance of data analytics is truly amazing. It can make a business bigger and better. If you have the right business, you can Read more [...]

Non-Alcoholic Beverages in India – How will the Market Shape for Non-Alcoholic Beverage Segment by 2020 in India?

Non-alcoholic beverages are broadly segmented into soft drinks and hot drinks.  Soft drinks typically contain carbonated/non-carbonated water, sweeteners, and flavoring ingredients.  Soft drinks market segment includes carbonates, juice, bottled water, ready-to-drink tea and coffee, and sports & energy drinks.  On the other hand, hot drinks market segment comprises of coffee and tea. In any beverage manufacturing company, syrup or concentrate producers and bottlers play a vital role as Read more [...]

Digital Economy – Indian Market Overview – Is a Cash-Based Economy like India ready to accept Digital Economy?

Don Tapscott famously coined the term “Digital Economy” in his 1995’s best-seller “The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence”.  His work was centralized on how the internet would change the ways of conducting business in our world.  Since then the term has been expanded to apply it to a much mainstream version – entire economy – encompassing social and economic aspects.  “Digital Economy” in its simplest form is entire economic system of any Read more [...]

AR and VR – The new Tech Frontiers – Do these technologies have the potential to disrupt the existing market of PCs and Smartphones?

In the last couple of years, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies have come forward to become the next big computing platforms.  These technologies are expected to create new markets while disrupting the existing ones, similar to the PC and smartphone wave witnessed during the last decade. VR is a computer technology that creates a virtual/artificial environment and simulates users’ presence in a way that allows users to interact with it.  On the other hand, AR make Read more [...]

Cashless vs Cash-based Economy – What are the Pros and Cons of such economies how do they effect the citizens of the country?

Cashless economy refers to an economy in which flow of cash takes place through digital modes of transactions including credit and debit cards, instead of cash.  This also include electronic transfer technology methods such as IMPS, NEFT and REGT, and Mobile wallets. While there are several benefits of being a cashless economy, some experts reckon that cash could never be fully eliminated as a mode of transaction in a society.  The primary reason is that cash instills confidence among consumers Read more [...]

How Start Ups will be Benefited out of Data Analytics? Guidance for Effective Usage of Data Analytics in Early Stage Businesses

In order to stay competitive in the dynamic business world, startups need to have an unconventional wisdom of marketing.  Already struggling with a limited budget for marketing, startups must achieve a high consumer conversion rate. The key differentiator between two startups is pace.  Things need to be done at a faster pace for startups to be competitive against large companies.  And, in order to react to market conditions and changing consumer trends, startups today rely heavily on data Read more [...]

Analytics and Big Enterprises Success – A few Interesting Case Studies in Data Analytics

What to do with ever-growing volumes of (particularly unstructured) data and the benefits of slice-and-dicing data to gain insight have been on the business radar for some time.  What have differed in this time are the solutions that have been pitched to solve the problem.  Ten years ago, business intelligence was the panacea to the data analytics debate. Business analytics has the capability to enable business owners, strategic marketing professionals and even business managers to analyze Read more [...]

Data Analytics and Political Campaign: Successful Usage of Data Analytics in Political Campaign

What would you do once a carefully planned task gets the wrong path? Without any doubt, each of us has experienced such a situation through our daily lives.  We just sit back and also analyze everything that happened and trying to identify the root cause of the issue.  Additionally, we also take into consideration the aspect that can affect the situation.  Data analytics is the simple form of analysis that often use in daily lives.  The same seizes true for organizations that use data analytics Read more [...]

Donald Trump and the Global Economy – Quick Overview of the Proposed Policies as Outlined by the President elect?

Donald Trump was elected as the 45th US President on November 8, 2016, and is stated to take office as the President of the United States on January 20, 2016.  The new US President elect Donald Trump has proposed many new policies for running the government, which have generated curiosity among the global investors.  Experts suggest that these policies may prove to be costly, and not just to the US but to the overall global economy.  Most importantly, the global trade scenario is expected to drastically Read more [...]

Demonetization of High Denomination Currency Notes and its Impact on the Indian Economy – How Effective will it be to curb Black Money Circulation in India?

On November 8th, 2016, Government of India announced its decision to demonetize or ban old currency notes of INR 500 and INR 1,000 in circulation.  This move was taken to curb “black money and counterfeit notes used by terrorist organizations for illegitimate activities” in the economy.  These two currency notes account for 86% of all the currency in circulation. The move to demonetize High Denomination Currency notes has massively impacted lives of almost every Indian according to the Read more [...]