Market News

Electronic data interchange (EDI) Global Market and its Applications in Industries

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a computer-to-computer exchange of business documents among companies.  EDI is an innovative electronic communication technology that offers exchange data standards, for exchange of data by any kind of electronic technology.  EDI replaces the process of faxing and mailing of paper documents.  EDI documents utilize specific computer record formats that are based on widely accepted standards.  However, each company will use the flexibility allowed by the standards Read more [...]

Food Tech Startups – Learn from Mistakes and Find out How to Make Food Tech Startups a Huge Success Now!

Food Tech, popularly known as online food delivery business, is considered as a cash intensive business. The cash is burnt primarily on account of spending on technology, customer acquisition (including marketing) and logistics. According to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the food and grocery market in India is the sixth largest in the world, with retail contributing 70% of the sales. It is projected to touch US$482 billion by 2020, growing at a rate of 104%. The organized food industry Read more [...]

Self-Paced Learning Global Market – Will Asian Market Leads in the Coming Years??

There seems to be universal agreement that the worldwide e-Learning market will show fast and significant growth over the next three years (2016-2018).  The worldwide market for Self-Paced E-Learning had reached $35.6 billion in 2011.  The five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) has been estimated at around 7.6% which gives an indication that the revenue would reach $51.5 billion by 2016.  Details are as follows; Self-Paced Learning, as the name suggests, is the process in which a Read more [...]

Startups India – Updated PESTLE Analysis. Will the New Startups Announcements Become a Big Bang for Startup In India?

With the launching Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious Start-Up India mission there is a need to perform PESTLE analysis to find out the impact of startup plans in the current startup eco system. PESTLE analysis is a business measurement tool to assess the overall macro environment of business.  PESTEL is acronym for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental.  It is a part of the external analysis while conducting market research, and it gives an overview of multiple Read more [...]

Startup India – Stand up India: Key Announcements in the Startup Plan 2016. Will it Boost Startup Culture in India?

For the first time in the history, the Government of India has recognized the startup space, and announced host of measures to boost up the digital entrepreneurship in India. Generally, entrepreneurs are scared of government interference, and this fear keeps them away from setting up new ventures. The mixed economy as practiced by Independent India was synonymous with license raj, and spotting right person to pull strings in order to get things done. Genuine entrepreneurs who lack influence and muscle Read more [...]

Real-time Financial Reporting – Increased Expectation of Investors

Although the definition of real-time reporting vary, in effect the Real time means shifting from a process of making data available only at certain pre-established intervals to one where it is provided on an as-needed basis.  The technological developments had increased the level of expectations.  We expect to have the latest news and commentary available instantly, and are ever more intolerant of any delay.  Similarly, investors now expect real-time information from companies to help them to Read more [...]

Key Influencers and How they Affect Your Business – Tips to Understand Key Influencers to Drive your Business Growth?

Key influencers are the people who can actually drive sales and awareness.  While in consumer spending, members of peer group or reference group act as influencers and in business to business (or organizational) buying, internal employees (engineers, managers, purchasers) or external consultants act as influencers.  Thus, we can term those individuals who have the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of their (real or perceived) authority, knowledge, position, or relationship are Read more [...]

Growth of Food and Beverages Industry in India – An Overview about the Opportunities for New Concepts and Innovative Services

India is well-known for its food and beverages service industry.  It is one among the most vibrant industries which demonstrated unprecedented growth in the recent past.  The industries is continues to expand rapidly.  This growth can be attributed on account of changing demographics, growing disposable income, urbanization and growth of retail industry. The food and beverage market was estimated at US$30.12 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach US$142 billion by 2020, with a compounded Read more [...]

Economic Scenario of India in 2016 – Indian Economy Forecast – Expecting Higher GDP Growth till 2017

As per a recent report by The World Bank, ahead of China, India is set to emerge as a growing major economy by 2016.  The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India is expected to grow at 7.9% as per the reports by CRISIL, for the FY 2016-17.   The World Bank forecast is also reflects higher GDP growth of 7.9% and 8.0% for the years 2016 and 2017.  The improvement in India’s economic fundamentals has accelerated in the year 2015 with the combined impact of strong government reforms, RBI's inflation Read more [...]

How Can Startups Take Advantage of the Opportunities in M-Commerce Markets?

As more and more online shoppers are taking to pressing the 'buy' button on the shopping apps on their phones, m-commerce entrepreneurs have much to cheer about. Currently, mobile phones present enormous opportunities to entrepreneurs in the m-commerce markets. The obvious reason for the increase in m-commerce is the continual rise in smartphone adoption rates and increased internet penetration within the country. Indian consumers are not just comfortable with m-commerce as a medium for purchasing; Read more [...]