Market News

E-Commerce Industry in India 2014 – e-retailers War Go Online and Innovative e-commerce Promotional Strategies

Online shoppers in India are set for more engaging experiences courtesy the intensifying competition in the country’s e-commerce industry.  The Indian e-commerce industry has been attracting higher level of investments in the recent past.  Additionally, the adoption of innovative strategies accompanied by improved e-commerce infrastructure such as payment and delivery systems has augmented the e-commerce growth in India.  The Indian e-commerce industry has grown by more than 80% in 2013 and Read more [...]

HEAT MAP – Graphical and Pictorial Representation of Data

A heat map can be best described as a colored visual representation of data. It provides a platform to represent comparisons of categorical data through a colored medium. Heat maps are typically constructed as a table by using a continuous range of colors and colored squares to represent the data. The variations in data can be spotted via the varying colors of the heat map table. Heat maps gained greater popularity during the economic recession that commenced in 2008. They were widely used to observe Read more [...]

Logistics Management and E-Commerce Competitive Advantage in Online Commerce

The long non-profitable run at the markets in 2013 forced e-commerce portals to rethink their strategies. Indian E-tailers realized that profitability was closely linked to not only their product strategies but the bottom lines namely, logistical infrastructure as well. As a result, the e-commerce majors in India have been effecting upheavals in their logistics systems in a bid to tackle competition and sustain investor confidence. One of the most noteworthy change trends in the logistics management Read more [...]

Growth of Internet Users in India and Impact on Country’s Economy

We live in an age which is called information age and internet is the biggest revolution in this age. Although slow initially, India is gradually gaining the momentum and is in the process of becoming the country with highest number of internet literate population in the world. According to a report released in November 2013 by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), by June 2014 internet users in India will be world’s second largest online community after China leaving America behind.Rural Read more [...]

Social E-Commerce: An Ambience for Consumers and an Engagement Engine for Brands

Social e-commerce is a term used to describe new online retail models or marketing strategies that incorporate social networks and peer to peer communication to drive sales.  Social e-commerce denotes a wide range of shopping, recommending and selling behaviors.  While shoppers indulge in smart buying, brands interact with them to give them a tailored brand experience. Types of Social e-commerce: Peer to peer sales platforms: This platform consists of community-based market places, or bazaars, Read more [...]

Scratch-free Smartphones: Longer Durability for Smartphones

It is true that the world has become smartphone-prone arena.  Progress through  Technology Research has made it possible for a majority of individuals – even from the emerging nations – to get hold of a smartphone at their preferred price points.  Then the big question arises “How long should you hold on to the smartphone before you replace or dispose it away?” Such kind of doubts is primarily raised when a consumer becomes suspicious about the software and hardware capabilities of a Read more [...]

E-commerce in India and Expected Turnover in 2014: Present Scenario in Online E-commerce Industry and The Future Ahead

With online shopping available in many cities and to some extent rural parts of India also, the e-commerce industry has been growing every year. The biggest players in the industry are Snapdeal, Myntra and Flipkart. Though the industry has become popular shopping platform for many online shoppers, it is far from making profit. Due to immense competition within the industry the companies are hardly able to reduce the losses and meet the break- even point for the business. Capital investors are falling Read more [...]

What are the Tax Benefit Options for Venture Capital Funds in India? How Venture Capitalists can Benefit from India Tax Rules?

Venture Capital firms, generally known as VCs are benefited by manner of tax exemptions.  Internationally, VC Funds are treated as pass through vehicles which helps to eliminate income tax at the pool level.  A pass through status is desirable for all funds because their IRR will be higher as the sale proceeds can be passed on to the investors without payment of any taxes.  The final recipient needs to pay income tax and the intermediary body is exempted.  This is to avoid double taxation of Read more [...]

E-commerce Industry: Current Online Retail & E-Commerce Market Scenario in India

There is lack of proper clarity in the Government FDI policy and this has delayed the entry of the retail giants like Wal-Mart, Ikea, Tesco in India. As a result the existing domestic retail players in the country are only competing with each other.  This retail competition has taken a whole new shape for the last few years. The new competition is about capturing the online retail space in the country as much as possible. This is because the increasing dependency on computers of the Indian middle Read more [...]

Beyond Google Glass: The Next Potential Innovation in the Wearable Device Space

While watching Star Wars, Minority Report and the Real Steel movies people wondered whether we can actually have those futuristic transparent digital screens in real life. It seems that the scientific community has finally found a reason to introduce such products to the common man. We are talking about gesture based virtual reality environment wherein a user can interact with a digital system through innovative ways. In this context, technology geeks are already familiar with Google Glass and other Read more [...]