Tag Archives: Marketing Plan

Solar Power Installation – Grid-connected Rooftop Solar Scheme to Reduce Carbon Footprint

Global warming is being a serious threat to the international community which is affecting the world environment. In this challenge, the Government of India has determined to have 40% of power generating from renewables by 2030. The rising environmental issue is making the market more favorable for rooftop solar in India. The Government is trying to develop at least one city of each state as a solar city. To generate solar power by installing solar panels on the roof of the houses, the Ministry Read more [...]

Mauritius Second Lockdown– How Does Mauritius Manage the COVID-19 pandemic successfully till Mar 2021?

Mauritius is among very few countries in the world that have been able to contain the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in six weeks in the beginning.  The COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed to possess reached Mauritius in March 2020.  Since the primary 3 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, the Mauritian authorities conducted 'Contact tracing' people that are in grips with infected patients are placed in quarantine, together with doctors, nurses, and cops.  On 30th May 2020 the Mauritian government ended Read more [...]

How can Society Thrive Post-Pandemic? Pandemic and its Effect in the Society in Coming Years

We all believe that the current pandemic of COVID – 19 will end come to an end soon, and we all will be back to olden days.  Now, it is time to call it olden days since we are going to near one year since the outbreak in Wuhan.  Look at the current situation of the world which we never imagined a few months ago; influence of a virus on the life of powerful mankind. Let us hope that world would heal as it happened in the case of Spanish flue which lasted for a year or more 100 years back.  As Read more [...]

Declining GDP and Shattering Household Income. What Does GDP Drop Mean for a COMMON MAN?

Let us define a COMMON MANby linking the famous cartoon of RK Laxman. The above picture (courtesy: RK)is a clear caricature of a COMMON MAN.  Do not ask how many cars he got and how well he has been employed.  He used to go on foot years back but later moved to bicycle and of late he uses public transport or two-wheeler.  If somebody offers coffee or tea, he takes it with a big sense of gratitude.  He never snatches anybody’s livelihood.  His income is meager, and he can be an agriculturist, Read more [...]

Important Points While Pitching for Angel Investment– Importance of Founding Team and Business Plans in Investing Decision

While pitching for Angel Investors one needs to look into multiple factors that influence the decision. The market potential of the product remains as the prime factor. It is important for the founders of the startup to do preliminary market research and understand the market potential, and its influence over the business. They should be ready to explain the valuable insights like the market share, number of competitors, consumer personas, financial margins, and more. In addition to the same, one Read more [...]

Digital Age and Business Consulting – Evolution of Business Consulting and Types of Business Consulting

The topic Management Consulting was more about supporting businesses with assembly line design and shop floor organization in the beginning and it emerged in the US in the late 19th and early 20th century.  Overall, the goal is to increase productivity in business which stands good as today. The technological revolution brought exponential growth in the corporate sector and businesses have been increasingly seeking guidance from expert consultants in this regard.  Businesses rushed to seek professional Read more [...]

The Importance of a Financial Forecasting in Business Plans – Main Components of Financial Forecasts

Business planning is vital for the survival of any business and it is a strategic tool for entrepreneurs.  A well-documented business plan helps to focus on most important activities to make an enterprise to succeed.  A good business plan will have both short-term and long-term objectives which the management needs to focus on to achieve the same per the time scale. Financial planning and forecasting give life to Business Plan.  The financial planning includes various financial statements that Read more [...]

Overview of Pharma Industry in India

India is among the leading global producer of generic medicine and vaccine, contributing to 20% of the total global demand by volume in 2018.  The country also has a large pool of scientists and engineer who have the potential to steer the industry ahead to an even higher level.  Over 80% of the antiretroviral drugs used globally to combat AIDS are supplied by Indian pharmaceutical companies. Data collection and Survey shows medicine spending in India is projected to grow 9-12% over the next five Read more [...]